You and I

Nothing more for me to say, there´s no more games for us to play.

It´s time for me to walk away. A new beginning, it´s my life.

The music is keeping me growing, the only thing that keeps me awake is me knowing, there´s no one here to break me or break me down, and no one here to hurt me or fool around.

I have no more time for you to hurt my feelings. We are at the end of our stupid lies, I´m better off without you by my side. So, there is no longer you and I, you and I. There is no longer you and I.

Don´t care what other people say, I know you fool around all day, but now it doesn´t hurt me anyway. I have already forget about you and I, when the day turns into night. And when I think of how you treated me, you proved me right.

Now there is no longer you and I, you and I. There is no longer you and I.


Bra där älskling! <3 För du ska ha d bästa! Älskar dej!

2011-03-08 @ 10:35:21

Mängder av kramar och kärlek från ett land en bit bort <3<3

2011-03-08 @ 12:09:37

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